Thursday, August 23, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012

The day you want to meet yourself, you become free.

The good news is that what you are looking for, you already have. 
Who has introduced us to us? 
We're always being introduced to somebody else. No one asks, "By the way, have you met yourself?" 
Meeting yourself is the difference between being free and being stuck. 
If you don't want to meet yourself, you are stuck with yourself. 
The day you want to meet yourself, you become free.

- Prem Rawat (Maharaji)

Report: Event in Chicago, Illinois (USA) - July 19, 2012
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These inspirational quotes are mainly excerpts from worldwide events of Prem Rawat, and occasionally from other eminent personalities.
Prem Rawat is a man of singular vision and clarity. He is a teacher with a core message: the peace people are looking for is already within.
He has dedicated his life to the dissemination of this message and has spoken in person to millions of people on six continents. Learn more.

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