Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This one glows blue, has beautiful clouds, lightning you can see from outer space.

Look around you. Do you realize there is no other planet like earth for light years around? 
There are planets that are full of dirt, too hot, too cold, too far, too strange, too violent. 
The one you live on is magnificent. 
This one glows blue, has beautiful clouds, lightning you can see from outer space. 
Can you ignore and not be thankful for even one minute, one day, that you exist on this beautiful planet? 
That you are who you are? On this beautiful earth you are alive. 
See the goodness in you, recognize the goodness in others. 
You and I get to be alive.
- Prem Rawat (Maharaji)

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These inspirational quotes are mainly excerpts from worldwide events of Prem Rawat, and occasionally from other eminent personalities.
Prem Rawat is a man of singular vision and clarity. He is a teacher with a core message: the peace people are looking for is already within.
He has dedicated his life to the dissemination of this message and has spoken in person to millions of people on six continents. Learn more.

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