Monday, September 26, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011

You cannot live without peace

If the need for peace is like the need for sleep, 
if the need for peace is like the need for food, 
if the need for peace is like the need for water — if. 
If so, then you will not be able to live without peace. 
You cannot live without water. You cannot live without sleep; it's torture. 
You cannot live without food; you will die. 
You cannot live without peace. You will walk, but you will not know why. 
You will wake up, but you will not know, 'Why am I awake?' 
You will look up, and all you will see is just a sky. 
You will look down, and all you will see is dirt.
- Prem Rawat (Maharaji)
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These quotes are excerpts from various worldwide events of Mr. Prem Rawat.
Prem Rawat is a man of singular vision and clarity. He is a teacher with a core message: the peace people are looking for is already within.
He has dedicated his life to the dissemination of this message and has spoken in person to millions of people on six continents. Learn more.

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