You must realize all that is good. If you have no recognition of 'good' in your life, guess what you will be surrounded by? Bad...
But what gets in the way? Doubt.
Peace is inside of you. You have the desire to feel it. But what gets in the way? Doubt. - Prem Rawat (Maharaji) Video: Bangalore,...
Have you ever been bored?
Have you ever been bored? You don't have to answer that But may I present a thought? How could you be bored ever? When the most ...
We think too much and feel too little.
We think too much and feel too little. - Charlie Chaplin Recently confirmed events Source content Reaching out to p...
The coming and going of this breath is the gift. It's not about what's gone; it's about appreciating this life, one breath at a time.
Don't pay attention to what isn't. Pay attention to what is. So, what is? In the middle of our pain, our suffering, we have th...
When the heart is content, there will be joy. When the heart is content, there will be peace.
Do you know what you want, what you have always wanted, what you will always want? Other people's opinions and your own needs are t...
The idea of "mine" and "yours", is in itself illusion.
The idea of "mine" and "yours", is in itself illusion. All this differentiation of "this is me and this is min...
Enjoy your life and be fulfilled
Video: Prem Rawat awarded BrandLaureate's Lifetime Achievement Water for Humanity | Savoring Peace WOPG...